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В Подмосковье, во время отдыха на своей даче, внезапно потерял сознание и умер писатель и поэт,Известные персоны:
На фото:
Владимир Путин и Дмитрий Шумков
Просматриваемые страницы:
Арман Мурадян
Есть несколько важных особенностей, которые характерны для товаров широкого потребления,
Почти каждый из нас хоть раз в жизни устраивался на работу, а многие делали это неоднократно.
Около 4 тысяч бывших десантников приняли в четверг участие в отмечании в Москве дня
На прошлой неделе в Москве случился пожар, при тушении которого погибло семеро спасателей.
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Сегодня в Москве выпало рекордное количество осадков. Дождь, который шел практически сутки не
Lawyers suggest setting up centers of studying of Russian law abroad
Опубликовано : 7-07-2014, 14:01 | Категория: Культура
Moscow, December, 3 - RAPSI. Russian lawyers suggest setting up centers and chairs of studying of Russian law abroad. The chairman of the council of the "Center of legal initiatives", lawyer Dmitry Shumkov told about it to the president of the Russian Federation Vladimir Putin who on Tuesday visited the faculty of law of Lomonosov Moscow State University.
"Center of legal initiatives" was established in July last year on the basis of leading legal scientifically-educational institutions the Russian Federation.
Shumkov noted that presently abroad, including the post-Soviet territory, there were centers, for example, of the Muslim law. Thereby he marked the necessity to more widely propagandize the system of Russian law, having noted that judicial system of the Russian Federation by its quality is considerably higher, than that one in the CIS countries.
Shumkov and leaders of the key Russian legal high schools and faculties communicated to the head of the state after the session of the board of guardians of Moscow State University. Deans of faculties of law of Moscow State University and St.Petersburg State University, rectors of the Kutafin Moscow State Law Academy and Ural State Law Academy took part in conversation with the president.
They told the president how the "Center of legal initiatives" was functioning, having reminded that one of its divisions - situational center "Elections-2012" - carried out monitoring of last presidential election in Russia. At present the "Center of legal initiatives" conducts wide monitoring of the Russian legislation, particularly, young lawyers working in it - students and graduates of law high schools - were engaged in gathering and generalization of offers on perfection of new edition of the Civil code of the Russian Federation.
Shumkov also informed the president that while working on perfection of the Civil code there was collection of opinions concerning the initiative about integration of the Higher Arbitration and Supreme courts of the Russian Federation. Majority of the interrogated Russians supported it, considering that it will enable to "pull up" the quality of civil legal proceedings. Putin supported the further activity of the center, having praised beginning lawyers for good organization of work.
"Center of legal initiatives" was established in July last year on the basis of leading legal scientifically-educational institutions the Russian Federation.
Shumkov noted that presently abroad, including the post-Soviet territory, there were centers, for example, of the Muslim law. Thereby he marked the necessity to more widely propagandize the system of Russian law, having noted that judicial system of the Russian Federation by its quality is considerably higher, than that one in the CIS countries.
Shumkov and leaders of the key Russian legal high schools and faculties communicated to the head of the state after the session of the board of guardians of Moscow State University. Deans of faculties of law of Moscow State University and St.Petersburg State University, rectors of the Kutafin Moscow State Law Academy and Ural State Law Academy took part in conversation with the president.
They told the president how the "Center of legal initiatives" was functioning, having reminded that one of its divisions - situational center "Elections-2012" - carried out monitoring of last presidential election in Russia. At present the "Center of legal initiatives" conducts wide monitoring of the Russian legislation, particularly, young lawyers working in it - students and graduates of law high schools - were engaged in gathering and generalization of offers on perfection of new edition of the Civil code of the Russian Federation.
Shumkov also informed the president that while working on perfection of the Civil code there was collection of opinions concerning the initiative about integration of the Higher Arbitration and Supreme courts of the Russian Federation. Majority of the interrogated Russians supported it, considering that it will enable to "pull up" the quality of civil legal proceedings. Putin supported the further activity of the center, having praised beginning lawyers for good organization of work.
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